Welcome to the Boundary View Estates Owners Association, which is an incorporated neighborhood association along Whalen Drive in Point Roberts, Washington. This site is intended to be a resource for current and prospective owners. With the exception of the association Bylaws and fines schedule, all information on this site is aggregated from public sources, primarily the Whatcom County web site.

Boundary View Estates founding document and lots survey

Association Documents



Fines schedule

Incorporation document

Common area and private access easements

View Information

Click here for information about view easements and requirements.


Dave Jackson: President

Vic Riley: Vice President

Allan Marter: Secretary/Treasurer

Contact: boundaryviewpr@gmail.com

Note to prospective buyers: Potential buyers of property within BVEOA are urged to read the CCRs and Bylaws before buying. If you are hoping to build or renovate an existing home, please look at the CCRs for plan submission requirements. The board can look at your plans and possibly give minimal feedback but unfortunately cannot pre-approve plans or ideas. The CCRs also outline how exceptions to height limits and building envelopes are handled through a vote by the entire membership in a special meeting. However, such exceptions have never yet been granted.

If you have questions about a specific lot or home, please contact the owner directly. The board members are volunteer owners so it may take time to get back to you.